2022 Limits for Health FSAs, QSEHRAs and Transit and Parking Reimbursement Plans Confirmed By The IRS  

The IRS has released IRS Revenue Procedure 2021-45 confirming cost-of-living based increases for several employee benefit plan related limits.  The announced increases were consistent with expectations based on increases to the Consumer Price Index over the past year.

The announced limits apply to Health Flexible Spending Arrangements (Health FSAs) and Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangements (QSEHRAs) with Plan Years beginning at any time during 2022 and to reimbursements paid by Transit and Parking Reimbursement Plans for expenses incurred during any month of 2022.

Health FSAs with 12 month Plan Years beginning in 2022 may allow employee salary reduction contributions up to $2,850 per year which is an increase of $100 over the $2,750 limit applicable to Plan Years beginning in 2021.  Health FSAs with Plan Years consisting of less than 12 months must pro-rate the applicable limit consistent with the actual length of the applicable Plan Year.

The new employee contribution limit also impacts the Health FSA rollover limit for Plan Years beginning during 2022.  In 2020, the IRS linked the maximum annual Health FSA rollover to 20% of the annual employee contribution limit.  Therefore, for Health FSAs beginning in 2022, the amount that can be rolled over into the following Plan Year will be $570.  This is an increase of $20 over the originally announced $550 limit for Plan Years beginning in 2021 (although the $550 limit for Plan Years beginning in 2021 does not actually apply due to a temporary waiver of rollover limits for Health FSAs with Plan Years beginning in 2020 and 2021 granted by Congress in response to the COVID-19 pandemic).

QSEHRAs with 12 month Plan Years beginning in 2022 may reimburse participating employees with self-only coverage up to $5,450 per year.  The limit for participating employees with family coverage is $11,500 per year.  These amounts are increases against the 2021 limits of $5,300 and $10,700.  Similar to the rule for Health FSAs, if a Plan Year is less than 12 months, the limits must be pro-rated consistent with the actual length of the Plan Year.

Transit and Parking Reimbursement Plans may reimburse participating employees up to $280 per month for qualifying benefits which is a $10 per month increase over the 2021 monthly limit of $270.  The $280 limit applies separately to monthly benefits provided for Transit / Van Pooling related expenses and Parking related expenses.  Therefore, it is possible that an employer could reimburse a participating employee up to $560 per month under this fringe benefit if the participant incurs both types of eligible expenses.

Important Note: Clients of Admin America with Health FSAs, QSEHRAs and/or Transit and Parking Reimbursement Plans utilizing the maximum allowable annual employee contributions, rollovers or reimbursements for 2021 will automatically have their applicable 2022 annual limits adjusted to meet the newly announced amounts.  No action is required on the part of clients who wish to take advantage of these automatic adjustments.  Clients utilizing the 2021 maximums who do not wish for Admin America to automatically adjust their 2022 limits should send an e-mail request to renewal@adminamerica.com.


If you have any questions regarding any of the 2022 limits or Admin America’s implementation of the limits with regards to your plan, please contact our FSA customer service team via telephone at (678) 578-4641 or via e-mail at fsa@adminamerica.com.

2015 Cost of Living Adjustments for Health FSAs Announced

The IRS recently announced several employee benefits related limits applicable for 2015. Among the limits announced is an increased annual limit on employee contributions towards Health Flexible Spending Arrangements.

Effective for Plan Years beginning on or after January 1, 2015, the maximum annual contribution employees can make to their Health Flexible Spending Arrangement (FSA) will increase to $2,550 (up from $2,500).

The 2015 Health FSA contribution increases were announced in IRS Revenue Procedure 2014-61, the text of which can be accessed here.

Prior to the passage of federal healthcare reform (PPACA) in 2010,  annual employee contribution limits were at the discretion of each employer sponsoring such plans.  PPACA imposed an annual limit of $2,500 per year on Health FSA employee contributions effective for plan years beginning in 2013.

PPACA also specified that starting for Plan Years beginning in 2014, the Health FSA contribution limit would be subject to increases to match the rise in the Consumer Price Index at the close of a 12-month period ending each August 31.  Last year, the CPI did not increase sufficiently enough to trigger such an increase for 2014.  Therefore, this year’s increase is the first under PPACA’s CPI adjustment provision.

Employers wishing to utilize the increased limits for their Health FSA plans in 2015 should review their plan’s governing documents to verify that the increase is allowed under the terms of their plan.  Plan amendments may be required or there may be other procedures required in order to facilitate the change.

Unfortunately, this announcement comes after many employers are well into (or have even completed) their open enrollments for their 2015 Health FSAs.  Introducing the revised limits may require plan sponsors to revise their benefit communications or even reopen their enrollment periods.

Admin America can assist plan sponsors with reviewing their documents to assess any required amendments and can also advise on strategies for efficiently communicating the changes to eligible employees

For more information about implementing the new limits or any other questions regarding FSA compliance or administration, please contact Admin America at info@adminamerica.com or call us at 1-800-366-2961.

Top 10 ACA Related Issues Small Business Owners Should Know About This Fall – Part 2 of 2

Last week, we addressed five compliance issues arising from the Affordable Care Act (the “ACA”) that small business owners should be familiar with this fall.  Each of the issues were somewhat tactical in nature.  They are the types of matters that an owner can comfortably assign to a good HR professional for resolution.

On the other hand, the five ACA related issued described below are much more strategic. They are not simply “check the box” compliance issues. They require at least some consideration by the business’s entire leadership team.

Therefore, without further ado we will move on to…

5.  The Rise (or Fall) of Self-Funded Group Health Coverage

Because of the ACA’s modified community rating rules, many small groups that had enjoyed lower rates due to their younger or healthier workforce face enormous rate increases.

Modified community rating requires insurers in the small group market to charge the same premium to everyone with adjustments being allowed only for family size, geography, smoking and age.  What’s more, the allowable adjustments for age have been reduced by 40% in most cases.  Self-funded group health plans are not subject to ACA’s rating rules and therefore are attractive to more small employers.

Historically, self-funding has been too risky for small employers.  In the past, groups that had bad experiences with self-funded plans might find themselves unable to get out of them.  Prior to the passage of the ACA, carriers could refuse to offer fully insurance plans to certain groups.  Therefore, a self-funded group that experienced high claims could find themselves locked out of the fully-insured market by carriers refusing to quote them.  ACA has eliminated this problem going forward so groups have less concern about trying out self-funding to see if it works for them.  If it doesn’t, they can just return to fully insured world next year.

In response to this new ACA inspired increase in demand, the insurance industry is making self-funding based plans available to smaller and smaller groups.  This article from Inc. online provides a fuller explanation of why self-funding has become more appealing for smaller employers in an ACA world.

4.  SHOP Exchanges and Premium Tax Credits

One of the promises of the ACA was that small employers would have access to a broader array of coverage choices to offer their employees.  So far, this promise remains unfulfilled.

The plan was that through their state’s small group health insurance exchange (the “SHOP”), small employers could provide their employees with a defined contribution towards health insurance expenses and the employees could then choose the coverage option among several that best suited their family’s needs.

The SHOP would then aggregate billing for the employer for the choices made by its employees.

So far, neither of these capabilities are fully available in any states relying on federally facilitated SHOPs.   For 2015, some states with federal exchanges are able to offer multiple plans from the same carrier within the same metal tier but otherwise, there is no employee choice.

Six state run SHOP exchanges have been authorized to offer expanded employee choice in 2015.

SHOP exchanges across the country generally offer fewer plan options than are available to small group’s outside the SHOP.  This begs the question, with less choice and no employee choice advantages, why SHOP in the first place?

The simple answer is that beginning in 2015, tax credits available to small employers for health insurance premiums will only be available for coverage purchased through the SHOP.

For employers who qualify, the credits can be substantial.  They can amount to up to 50% of the health insurance premium paid.  Employers with less than 25 employees who also average salary or wages less than $50,000 per employee per year can qualify for some amount of premium tax credit.  The credit percentage will be lower than 50% for employers with more than 10 employees or whose average annual employee pay is more than $25,000.

More information on health insurance premium tax credits can be found online within the IRS’s website.

3.  The End of Individual Insurance Reimbursement Arrangements

In September of 2013, the IRS issued Notice 2013-54.  In it, the IRS ruled that any employer sponsored arrangement that reimburses employees for the purchase of individual health insurance violates the ACA.

Historically, employers have been able to reimburse employees on a tax-exempt basis for individual insurance premiums.  The tax code clearly authorizes the reimbursements (and in fact this section of the code remains unchanged by the ACA).  However, even before passage of the ACA there were concerns about whether such arrangements constituted group health plans under ERISA, thereby triggering other federal requirements such as COBRA and HIPAA.

In Notice 2013-54, the IRS essentially ruled that such arrangements are group health plans.  As such, they are subject to ACA’s prohibition against annual or lifetime benefit limits under group health plans.  Furthermore, they ruled that limiting reimbursements to the amount of an employee’s individual insurance premium worked as an annual limit on benefits and therefore violated the ACA.

Over the winter, various commentators and vendors attempted to parse the language of Notice 2013-54 to find a viable method of retaining employer reimbursements of individual insurance premiums.  In response, in May of 2014, the IRS reiterated their position with even clearer language and clarified that such arrangements would be subject to ACA’s $100 per day per covered employee statutory penalty.

For those running the math in your head, that’s $36,500 per employee per year.

Unfortunately, too many small employers retain these reimbursement arrangements into 2014.  They are either unaware of the IRS’s guidance or have been convinced by a service provider that the provider’s “special” way of arranging these reimbursements avoids the IRS’s prohibition.

At this point, we can only advise those employers to run, not walk, away from those arrangements and those advisers as they are playing Russian Roulette with the future of their business.

2.  The Individual Mandate, Subsidies and Related Employer Concerns

Employers that historically have not offered coverage to their employees and those that do not subsidize coverage for the dependents of their employees must consider how the new individual mandate might affect their ability to retain their best employees.

Beginning in 2014, individuals who do not purchase coverage for themselves and their dependents will be subject to tax penalties unless they access a waiver from coverage.  Although the amount of the penalties is small (as little as $95 per person in 2014) they will escalate over time (at least $325 per person and as much as 2% of household income in 2015).

The amounts of the penalties will never exceed the cost of actually purchasing coverage so individuals that don’t see value in coverage most likely won’t be motivated to purchase it on their own.  However, they will view employment opportunities without family insurance coverage as less valuable than competing job offers with coverage because of the tax.

Conversely, the rules governing individual subsidies create a perverse incentive for small employers and their employees.  Subsidies are only available to individuals who are not offered employer sponsored coverage that is affordable for the employee.  The affordability for the non-employee eligible individual is irrelevant.

Therefore, consider a single mom who  is eligible for group coverage through her employment that could cover herself and her child.   Let’s assume the common situation where her employer subsidizes employee only coverage so that it is deemed affordable for her but provides no contribution towards her child’s coverage.  Under the ACA, her child will not be eligible for subsidized coverage regardless of this mom’s income.  She might be better off moving to a job that doesn’t offer coverage at all so that she get subsidized coverage for herself and her child.

This scenario requires small employers to really understand the value their employees place on coverage (on in the example above, non-coverage).

1.  The Employer Mandate and the 50-99 Full Time Equivalent Transitional Relief

Since the passage of the ACA, every business owner has probably invested at least minimal effort in determining whether or not they are subject to the law’s employer mandate.

For some groups, working through the process of counting full-time employees and FTEs, applying control group rules and identifying the appropriate measurement periods has been confusing.

The process has only been made even more complicated by the recent delays and changes in the application of the employer mandate.

First the mandate was delayed from January 2014 until the first day of the employer’s plan year in 2014.  Then it was delayed until the first day in 2015.  Then it was delayed until the first day of the employer’s plan year in 2015.  Then it was delayed until 2016 for employers with 50-99 full-time equivalents.

Assuming there are no more delays in the effective date of the mandate, employers that historically have not provided coverage to their employees must determine the best course for the future.

Should they begin to offer coverage and absorb the additional expense or should they pay the tax?

Perhaps there is yet another alternative such as reducing the workforce or modifying the workforce’s part-time/full-time status or splitting the company up into smaller unaffiliated organizations.

Finding the best solution will only come after careful consideration of the the company’s goals and strategy.

But ultimately, these decisions must also factor in complex ACA concepts.  What  are the rules governing the two different employer mandate penalties?  What is the cheapest coverage that can be provided to escape one or both of the penalties?

For employers subject to the employer mandate in 2015, it is getting a little late in the game to address these issues but there is a large number of employers who are now on the clock for 2016.

Good luck!

That’s All Folks!

We hope that the series of articles over the last two weeks designed for small business owners has given you at least one piece of information that will either help you avoid trouble or save money in the near future.

If you have questions about any of the items posted above, please contact one of Admin America’s compliance experts via e-mail or toll free at 1-800-366-2961.